Thursday, April 15, 2010

Da Kuuulest Guy

Luke Wright tarafından kaleme alınmış bir eser kendisi bu seneki Glastonbury'de de performans sergileyecekmiş. Ayrıca, İsmail YK yurstseven kardeşin çok daha önceden Facebooka güzelleme yapmış olması, bir Türk genci olarak beni çok gururlandırdı. Bu şiir, şarkının biraz replikası olmuş, şarkının sözleriyle şiir arasında inceden bi esinlenme sezdim.( özellikle lokomotif gülşen, çıtıpıtı birsen bölümü bire bire copy paste) Gerçekten son zamanlarda zeynep tosun designs ve cihanbey boutique'den sonra en beğendiğim iş ( Bütün kuul heriflere armağanım olsun, bayılıyorum köpek eden erkeğe)

My Own Worst Enemy

I’m single because I’m my own worst enemy
You know my type, you’ve met men like me
I date like a tourist, I like to see the sights
Maybe take a few pictures then leave at first light
I’ll pay for the initial meal and that’s your lot
I‘ll screen all your phone calls and then sulk when they stop
I’ll search FACEBOOK for girls I’ve meet once at functions
Typing “Steph” “blonde hair” “purple dress” “Clapham Junction”

I’ve been on blind dates, speed dates and naked discos
80’s style wife-swaps with birds wearing viscose
Had fumbles on bog seats, made love under heaters
Inside parked cars while we wracked up the meter.
You see initially I get the ticks
But going out with me is like the Olympics
All the pomp, ticker tape and fuss is fleeting
then it’s over in three weeks with charges of cheating

I’m single because I’m my own worst enemy
I’ve had it all: girls saying “woah there speedy”
Or “are you pulling that face cos you think I’m ugly
Or “I really like you Tom.” Yeah, my name’s Andy
I’m the guy that girls don’t introduce to their friends
Who meets a hippy bird at a festival and pretends
That he’s a vegetarian just to get a shag
Then writes the whole thing down and sends it to a lads mag

I knew this bloke, right, he used to corpse after sex
Lie there petrified about the bit that comes next
To stop her cuddles, he’d fake cramp, jump out of bed
Screaming, rubbing his thighs and hopping on one leg
I know how he feels, see men like me are like cars
If a girl get too close they set off our alarms
The bag-carrying boyf– one cliché I’ll never be
I’m single because I’m my own worst enemy

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